Star of the small screen!
I dont know what possessed me to apply for not one but 2 TV shows last summer. I didn’t tell anyone about the second application and people only found out about the first becasue I was successful (if you consider getting on to the show as a success!)
I applied to be on Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas. In June! I entered the wreath making competition. I made a couple of christmassy poinsettias out of Lutradur and Angelina fibres with my sewing machine – as you do! When I applied, I had not watched a full episode of the show or ever made more than 2 flowers let alone a whole wreath full. Not a well thought out plan!

My second entry was to Ramsay Studios. I’m not sure that in telling you about this I might be zapped dead on the spot. They said if you tell anyone, we will have to kill you. It was a big secret. This was to star in a new craft show. I saw the appeal for contestants on fb and thought why the fuck not. Silly me! I spent two minutes sending a few pics of the sort of things I did and filling in the form. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I got a call from them and a very nice man chatted to me about my crafts. I then got an email asking me to send a 20 minute craft type video. I got the email on Friday – I was in Germany – to send the video on Monday by 4pm. It had to be unedited. I got back from Germany at 11pm on Sunday night. Having never made a video in my life and hating seeing myself even on facetime, on Monday I made a video – using the bits I’d made for a Christmas Wreath – In June- to apply to Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas, for expediency!
They must’ve liked the video. I got a call whilst on a surprise 25th Wedding anniversary trip to Barcelona to go for an audition in London. I flew home on Friday – went to London on Saturday and flew to Croatia on Sunday on my family holiday! A crazy few days. I felt a tiny bit like a jetsetting movie star – if they feel knackered, over anxious, travel sick and out of their tiny minds!
The day was long 10-3.30 (not including travel there and back) and NO FUCKING LUNCH – from Gordon Ramsay’s own TV production company. (the swearing is a tribute to Gordon). I get that the man himself wouldn’t be there serving up Breast of Guinea Fowl with Pomegranate Dressing but you’d think someone could’ve rustled up a sandwich. I didnt even get a cup of tea! There were 6 of us- we did a task. We were given a box of stuff and told to craft something that represented us. We were filmed during the process and asked what were were going to make, and what the fuck we had made (as it wasn’t always obvious) in the allotted time – like being on master chef but with coloured paper and glue guns and certainly no food! did I mention I didn’t get lunch? We then had individual interviews – on camera- for an hour. Somehow I felt so relaxed I shared my favourite swear word. I thought Gordon would appreciate it.
I didn’t hear from them for weeks! It turned out they wanted crafters to make massive props. I guess they should have thought about who they called for audition a little more carefully. I dont make massive things. Maybe they weren’t so keen on swearing as I thought they would be. I was sad not to be picked at the time but to my knowledge the show never aired and I did get picked for the other TV show (that’s another story) but you can see the episode here .
So here is the video I submitted which prompted them to pick me for the audition from 1000’s of applicants. I have never shared this ever and can only put it down to being stir crazy (in Coronavirus lockdown) to be sharing it now, but if you did want to cringe along or even make lutradur flowers then this is for you!
I will do a step by step tutorial to go with the video… at some point
Craft Vid – An illustrated guide to making Lutradur Flowers!
Making Poinsettias using Lutradur, free motion machine embroidery and inktense inks! It was done in one take and no editing! Be kind!
Why am I not being snapped up by Hochanda?????!!!!!!
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Jane that was brilliant. You came across very professional and also very natural. I have never actually seen you do this process but I did understand everything you said and did I would love to have a go but sadly I cannot free motion stitch . You really should have a tutorial on U tube . You are also funny in a good way . I would watch you but then I am very biased being your mother . So proud 💕