This isn’t so much a part 2 as a PS. In yesterday’s blog I gave Piggle a bad press. My intention wasn’t to have wanabee dog owners queuing up at puppy farms to get a brand new one. I may have, in the name of humour or impatience to finish […]

I have never been to Crufts! I will never go to Crufts! Pedigree dog breeding is the bane of my life. People breed dogs and they become fashionable. Dogs should never be fashion items (especially not Chihuahuas). When fashionable, they become expensive. They become a source of quick money for […]
Rescue Me!
A life less ordinary I’ve decided to start blogging again. It isn’t because of popular demand, sadly. It isn’t because when I did blog, many people read them, sadly. It isn’t even because I have anything interesting or new to say…! When I wrote my American blog, America was the […]
A Life Less Ordinary

There is something magical about turning a pile of fibres into a Felt portrait. I love doing felt portraits. I hate the agonising process though! I wet-felt the picture first. This involves using merino and Corriedale wool fibres (and sometimes other wool and silks) which are layered. A base layer […]
Felt Portraits

I went to a craft fair to sell my wares yesterday and I feel rejuvenated! It isn’t just because I sold 2 tiny bottles of fairy dust and a fairy door. Seeing a little girl mesmerised by my fairy doors was wonderful. I’d only received a cursory glance at them […]
Rejuvenation in Renovation

About the Ugly House: Background: The Ugly House started off very Ugly! We purchased the 1950’s home in December 2013. It hadn’t seen any TLC since around 1980. It took 9 months. Longer (2 years) if you include the planning and preparation and aftermath. Nine months of highs and lows. […]